
0 min read
Cross discipline I have a lot of cross-discipline abilities. I know a little about a very wide reaching array of subjects. Creating things, fixing things, describing things and documenting things. As long as it can be applied, I am interested. The minute you start talking about theory or your guesses, I start to get lost and bored. New information has to be actionable for me to respect it. When I am entertained by anything (a movie, live music, theater) my mind goes to: how do they do that?
2 min read
Show everyone respect If the employees of a company do not show respect to each other, it becomes a very toxic place to work. This is my #1 value and core belief: show everyone respect. You should show respect to your customers, your subordinates, peers and supervisors. You should show respect to people who work in your building who do not work for your company. In or out of the office, if you are representing a company, you should be seen showing respect to others.
8 min read